The government of the city of Brussels has launched the tender process for the renovation of the Leopold II tunnel through the PPP model.
The tender for the tunnel renovation was already launched in March 2012 but it didn't succeed. Later, in December 2015, the government of Brussels agreed to re-launch the tender process.
The project will involve the renovation of the 2.5 km tunnel and the operation and maintenance (O&M) of the infrastructure for a period of 25 years. It connects the Rogier Tunnel and the small ring around Brussels (R20) with the Basiliek Tunnel and the A10 (part of the E40). The tunnel is of great importance for the traffic entering and leaving the capital.
The total project investment is estimated at €150 million (US$168 million), although the investment value could reach €30 million (US$32.6 million) more if insulation works are needed.
According to sources, construction works are scheduled to start by 2018.
Interested bidders must submit their proposals on or before September 1st, 11:00 (local hour).
You can read the tender document here.