Bangladesh seeks developers for tourism PPP project

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Bangladesh seeks developers for tourism PPP project

Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation (BPC) has launched a request for pre-qualification to develop an integrated tourism and entertainment village on a 130-acre beach front parcel at Cox's Bazaar through a PPP project.

The integrated development will comprise of a beach resort, entertainment village, golf course and venues for other tourism activities. The project will comprise:

  • Detailed design, financial closure, construction of the proposed integrated tourism and entertainment village.
  • Operations & maintenance of the developed facilities for a specified period.

According to the Bangladesh PPP Office, the total project investment is estimated between US$80 million and US$200 million.

Cox's Bazar, located along Bay of Bengal in South Eastern Bangladesh, is one of the most pristine tourism destinations of South East Asia. The town is known for its 125 km long unbroken shore, which is believed to be world's longest natural sandy sea beach. Cox's Bazar holds potential for growth as a major international tourist destination. It currently hosts millions of domestic tourists every year with daily visitor footfalls reaching upto 150,000 in peak seasons.

Two months ago the government of Bangladesh and an Indian pharmaceutical firm, Sandor Medicaid, signed the first PPP project in the country to develop two Hemodialysis Centres. The project will be developed on a design, build, finance, operation and maintenance (DBFOM) basis. The concession period is 10 years.

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