BAM PPP PGGM to win Irish courts bundle

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BAM PPP PGGM to win Irish courts bundle

The Irish National Development Finance Agency (NDFA) is expected to award the Courts Bundle PPP project to BAM PPP PGGM consortium.

The team is composed of: BAM PPP PGGM Infrastructure Coöperate U.A. (a joint venture between BAM PPP and PGGM), equity provider; BAM Building Ltd., construction contractor; BAM FM Ireland Ltd., FM service provider. The consortium is competing with three other teams: Amber Justice Partnership, Carilion Kajima Partnership and Curia Group.

The Courts Bundle PPP project involves the development of three new courthouses in Letterkenny, Drogheda and Limerick city, where a new criminal courthouse is planned for a site next to the existing one. It also involves refurbishing four others in Anglesea Street (Cork), Mullingar, Waterford city and Wexford town.

The contract comprises the design, build, finance and maintenance (DBFM) of the three new courthouses in addition to refurbishments/extensions and maintenance on the four existing sites. The contract period is 25 years as of the service commencement date. It is scheduled to start on October 21st, 2015.

The total project investment is estimated at €100 million (US$111.6 million). The project will be funded through private funding and payment will be made by monthly unitary payments subject to the terms and conditions of the contract.

Last month we reported that the NDFA selected a consortium led by Balfour Beatty as preferred tenderer for the PPP project to develop 14 Primary Care Centres (PCCs) across the country. The project involves the design, build, finance and management of the new facilities for a period of 25 years.

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