The National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES), under the coordination of the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio), has auctioned the concession of visitation services in the Jericoacoara National Park in São Paulo, Brazil.
The Dunas Consortium secured the auction victory with a bid amount of BRL 61 million (USD 12 million), signifying a remarkable premium of 716.32%. The consortium will assume responsibilities for supporting visitation, conducting maintenance, and implementing modernization initiatives for tourist services, along with conservation and protection measures. Approximately BRL 116 million (USD 23 million) will be allocated to diverse infrastructure projects within the park, and an additional sum of around BRL 990 million (USD 200 million) will be dedicated to operational activities under the 30-year contract.
Positioned on the west coast of the State of Ceará and encompassing an area of 8,416 ha (equivalent to approximately 11,790 football fields), Jericoacoara National Park safeguards marine-coastal ecosystems featuring mangroves, resting, and dunes, all of which hold significant ecological importance.
The Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio) has published a new public notice for the concession of services in the Chapada dos Guimarães National Park in Cuiabá, Brazil.
Read moreThe National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES) has announced that an Infraestrutura MG consortium has won the 30-year concession for Minas Gerais state’s Varginha-Furnas highway.
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The Government of Corumba has launched winners for Corumba public lighting public-private partnership (PPP) project in Brazil.
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The governments of Brazil and the state of Minas Gerais have awarded the Comporte Participações consortium a concession to operate and maintain the Belo Horizonte Metro in Brazil.
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TIM Brasil and Ecovias do Araguaia, concessionaire of EcoRodovias, ASTM Group’s Brazilian subsidiary, announce a partnership to install 4G coverage along 850-km Goiás and Tocantins road in Brazil.
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