On 15 and 16 June, the African Development Bank (AfDB) organised in Tunis a regional forum on public-private partnerships (PPPs) in North Africa on the theme "Towards sustainable and inclusive growth".
The event brought together six PPP units covered by the AfDB's regional office and yielded positive feedback. The forum aimed to foster discussions and knowledge exchange among countries in the region, highlighting successful experiences and lessons learned. Egypt, with its advancements in seawater desalination and Morocco's expertise in the health sector, were highlighted as potential models for other countries. The forum also emphasized the importance of regional collaboration and harmonization of legislation to attract foreign investors. The second edition of the forum will be held in Egypt, with a focus on project discussions and developing PPPs for trans-Maghreb links.
On the sidelines of the event, La Presse spoke to Atef Majdoub, Chairman of the Instance Générale des Partenariats Public-Privé (IGPPP), for more details. The interview stressed the need for a shift in mindset and greater cooperation between the public and private sectors to unlock the potential of PPPs in Tunisia and overcome resource constraints. Local authorities were encouraged to adopt the PPP model for infrastructure development, and caution was advised to ensure successful implementation. The interview concluded by emphasizing that PPPs offer an alternative way of financing projects, requiring a change in culture and mindset for all stakeholders involved.
To read the full interview, click here.
InfraPPP and IGPPP have signed a partnership agreement aimed at promoting public investment through PPPs in Tunisia and carrying out large-scale projects within this framework.
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