Arteris, Abertis's Brazilian subsidiary, has signed the concession agreement of Via Paulista (known before as Rodovias dos Calçados); which lays on 35 municipalities in different regions in the state of São Paulo.
David Díaz, Arteris’s CEO, and Geraldo Alckmin, Governor for the state of São Paulo have signed the new contract, which key points are the following:
On April, Arteris won the concession for the management of Via Paulista. The awarded package sums up the 317 kilometers managed by Autovias (São Carlos-Araraquara corridor), an Arteris's concessionaire operating since 1988 and ending in December 2018; to additional 403 kilometers that were under direct management of the Government of the São Paulo state (Araraquara-Itaporanga corridor).
Via Paulista will manage 720 toll-road kilometres; the new concession, 30-years-long, will start its operations at the end of November.
This new concession model will involve the deployment of innovative services for the clients, like Wi-Fi along the route, traffic control with intelligent cameras, discounts for users that use the electronic payment systems, and flexible tariffs.