Colombia's National Infrastructure Agency (ANI) has re-launched the tender process for the concession of the Airports of Edén in Armenia and Benito Salas in Neiva.
The project involves the design, upgrade, construction, operation and maintenance of the two airports. Specifically, the scope of the works and the estimated investment are the following:
It is the fourth time that the ANI tenders the concession as the three previous processes were declared void.
The first time, ANI did not receive any bid for the airports concession contract. it was expected to be awarded by December 2014 and construction works were scheduled to start by late 2015. At that time the concession also included the airport of Popayán. One month later, in January 2015, ANI re-launched the second tender process for the concession of the Airports of Armenia, Popoayán and Neiva and it did not receive any proposals again. The third process was re-launched in early 2016 and it only included the Airports of Armenia and Neiva, but it did not receive proposals for the concession.
Vice President, German Vargas Lleras said:
"This is the fourth time we started tender process of these works. ANI, with a professional team conducted a comprehensive study and this time we will manage to succeed in the modernization of these airports, a major factor for development for the departments of Quindio and Huila."