ANI awards Loboguerrero -Buga concession to CSS Constructores

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ANI awards Loboguerrero -Buga concession to CSS Constructores

On 31 May, the Agencia Nacional de Infraestructuras (ANI) of Colombia awarded CSS Constructores S.A. the concession corresponding to the rehabilitation, maintenance and operation of the road Loboguerrero - Buga.

The National Infrastructure Agency confirmed that the proposal submitted by the proponent is $59.6 pesos (US$31 million), this being  less than the official budget.

The 54km Loboguerrero-Buga highway, located in Valle del Cauca department is the first project assigned under the public-private partnership framework approved by the government in early 2012. These maintenance and rehabilitation works will improve the capacity of the road transport infrastructure that supports foreign trade and cargo and links the centers of production and consumption in the country to transportation hubs.

The agency issued the tender call on November 22nd last year, and received six expressions of interest April 30th, 2013 from:

  • Pavimentos Colombia,
  • El Cóndor,
  • Latinco,
  • Termotécnica Coindustrial,
  • Hidalgo & Hidalgo and
  • CSS Constructores.
Source: ANI

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