Alberta Health Services (AHS) has issued an open Request for Proposals (RFP) for a public private partnership project for the Edmonton lab facility.
The contract consists of managing all of Edmonton's medical testing and the construction of a state-of-the-art lab services facility in Edmonton. The value of the contract is US$3 billion.
The Request for Proposals will close on March 12th 2014. The winning bidder will be expected to start work in 2015, and the new lab must be up and running by 2017.
Rick Trimp, AHS's interim CEO and president, said:
We have the opportunity now to develop a state-of-the art lab facility that would be able to meet all of our testing and diagnostic needs without having to access capital dollars from provincial taxpayers.
We look forward to having one of the most advanced laboratories in Canada that will serve the needs of northern Albertans now and into the future.
Although the new laboratory will perform a significant proportion of laboratory testing, urgent hospital-based lab services - such as cardiac markers (to test severity of heart attacks) and blood and tissue matching (to ensure patients and donors match) - will continue to be delivered in hospitals.
See RFP: