AECOM selected as technical advisor for courthouse project in Toronto

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AECOM selected as technical advisor for courthouse project in Toronto

The new Toronto courthouse project is moving forward with the selection of AECOM Canada Ltd. as the planning, design and compliance (PDC) team.

As the PDC team, AECOM Canada Ltd. will prepare project documents, including output specifications that will form the guidelines and performance requirements the successful building team must meet when preparing the project's design. The PDC team will also monitor construction progress and provide coordination and oversight during the project's construction, commissioning and completion, as well as during the transition to the new courthouse.

Once the planning, design and compliance aspects are completed, the Ministry of the Attorney General and Infrastructure Ontario (IO) will issue a request for qualifications (RFQ) for a team to design, build, finance and maintain the project using IO's proven alternative financing and procurement (AFP) delivery method. Under the AFP model, risks associated with the design, construction, financing and maintenance of complex projects are transferred to the private sector. The RFQ is expected to be issued in spring 2016.

Located steps from St. Patrick subway station, directly north of the Superior Court of Justice, the new Toronto courthouse will bring together in a single location several courts operating across the city. Amalgamation of justice programs and services is expected to reduce operational and facilities costs, make court administration more efficient, and better serve the community.

The new courthouse's design will be modern and accessible with features such as:

  • video conferencing to allow witnesses to appear from remote locations and in-custody individuals to appear from jail;
  • closed-circuit television to enable children and other vulnerable individuals to appear before the court from a private room;
  • courtroom video/audio systems to allow counsel to display video evidence recorded in various formats and for the simultaneous viewing of evidence;
  • a single point of entry with magnetometers, baggage scanners, continuous video surveillance, and separate corridors for judiciary, members of the public and the accused for security reasons;
  • barrier-free access to all courtrooms.

The courthouse will be designed to meet the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®) Silver standard with a focus on energy efficiency, healthy indoor environments and reduced greenhouse gas emissions.

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