The Colombian National Infrastructure Agency (ANI) has awarded the Mulaló - Loboguerrero corridor road PPP project located in the department of Cauca Valley.
The project has been awarded to "Concesionaria Vial del Pacífico", a consortium composed by Estudios y Proyectos del Sol EPISOL S.A.S. (60%) and Iridium Colombia Concesiones Varias S.A.S. (40%). The team beat out competition from the two other shortlisted bidders:
The 32 km road PPP project involves the financing, construction, rehabilitation, improvement, operation and maintenance of the Loboguerrero - Mulaló and Cali - Dagua - Loboguerrero corridor. The project includes the development of 9 tunnels with a total extension of 12.2 km, and 31 bridges with a total extension of 2.5 km.
The total project investment is estimated at P1,190 billion (US$505 million). The project aims to improve the commercial transport from the south to the port of Buenaventura.
During this year the government of Colombia has awarded other five road PPP projects: