Colombia's National Infrastructure Agency (ANI) has announced that 27 teams have submitted proposals for consultancy works of 4G Concessions Program.
The goal of the services is to supervise legal, technical, financial, environmental and social aspects of nine highway concessions:
- Pacific Connection highway concession 1. This project has been awarded in early June to a consortium composed of Iridium Concesiones (40 %) and Episol SAS (60 %). The project includes the stretch Ancón Sur - Camilo Cé - Bolombolo in the region of Antioquia. The project involves a total investment of P1.79 billion (US$943 million).
- Pacific Connection highway concession 2. This project was awarded in late May to a consortium composed of Grupo Odinsa 5%, Mincivil (21.15%), Construcciones el Condor (21.15%), Termotécnica Coindustrial (13.50%), Icein (9.20%) and Mota Engil Engenharia e Construcao (10%). The project includes the stretches of Bolombolo-La Pintada and La Pintada-Primavera. The project cost is estimated at P910,000 million (US$470 million).
- Girardot-Puerto Salgar highway concession. This project has been awarded in early June to a consortium composed of Mario Alberto Huertas C. (75%) and Constructora Meco S.A. (25 %). The project will have a total length of 194 km along the areas of Tolima, Caldas and Cundinamarca. The project involves a total investment of US$556.7 million.
- Pacific Connection highway concession 3. Two teams submitted proposals in late May. The project includes La Pintada-La Felisa; La Felisa-Irra; La Felisa-Asia; Asia-La Virginia; Tesalia by-pass; and Irra-Tres Puertas. This concession has an investment of US$647 million and it has 231 kilometers, with 26 bridges and 3 tunnels.
- Magdalena 2. The project is expected to be awarded in the next weeks. The project involves the stretcht of Remedios - Puerto Berrío.
- Conexión Norte. The project is expected to be awarded in the next weeks. The project involves the stretch of Remedios - Caucacia.
- East Cundinamarca bypass concession. Four teams bid for the project in early June. The project involves a north-south arterial road in the eastern sector of Bogotá. The total investment for the project will be US$831 million.
- Cartagena - Barranquilla corridor concession. Three consortia submitted economical proposals. The project is divided in two sections. The first section is located in the route 90 A (Cartagena - Barranquilla) and it will have a length of 110 km. The second section between the municipalities of Malambo and Puerto Colombia will have a length of 37 km. The total investment for the project will be US$844 million.
- Loboguerrero - Mulaló and Cali - Dagua - Loboguerrero corridor. Ten consortia have been shortlisted. The project involves the financing, construction, rehabilitation, improvement, operation and maintenance of the Loboguerrero - Mulaló and Cali - Dagua - Loboguerrero corridors located in the department of Valle del Cauca.
The consultancy services for supervision will have a total value of P304,000 milion (US$160.6 million). The contracts are for periods of 7 years. The contracts are expected to be awarded by the next month.