Pension Protection Fund (PPF)

Company description

The Pension Protection Fund was established to pay compensation to members of eligible defined benefit pension schemes, when there is a qualifying insolvency event in relation to the employer and where there are insufficient assets in the pension scheme to cover Pension Protection Fund levels of compensation. The Pension Protection Fund is a statutory fund run by the Board of the Pension Protection Fund, a statutory corporation established under the provisions of the Pensions Act 2004.Specialties in pensions, investment, customer service, risk management, finance, actuarial, law, insolvency, compliance, and policy.

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Company details

Renaissance, 12 Dingwall Road, Croydon, CR0 2NA, UK

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Projects Transactions
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Company updates

  • March 28, 2016

    Legal & General Investment Management refinances London Gateway port

    LGR and PPF have invested £250 million and £150 million respectively, in senior debt for the project over a 30 year loan term, managed by LGIM Real Assets. Two additional investors provi...

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