Paul de Ruiter Architects

Company description

Paul de Ruiter Architects is a prominent Dutch architectural firm known for its innovative and sustainable designs. Founded by architect Paul de Ruiter in 1994, the firm has earned a reputation for its commitment to environmental sustainability and its focus on creating buildings that are both aesthetically striking and environmentally responsible. It often incorporates elements of biophilic design, which seeks to connect people with nature through architecture. This includes features like abundant natural light, indoor greenery, and sustainable landscaping. The firm is known for incorporating cutting-edge technologies into its projects to optimize energy efficiency and occupant comfort. This includes smart building systems, passive design strategies, and advanced HVAC systems.

Company details

Valschermkade 36D 1059 CD Amsterdam

Participation in projects

Projects Transactions
List of the updates in which the company was involved

Company updates

  • September 09, 2018

    Breda’s newly constructed courthouse opened

    The Governmental Real Estate Agency (Rijksvastgoed Bedrijf) has issued the completion certificate to the consortium for Breda’s newly opened courthouse in the Netherlands. This new co...

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