Milano Serravalle - Milano Tangenziali

Company description

"Milano Serravalle – Milano Tangenziali S.p.A. manages an infrastructural network that serves the Milan and Lombardy area, the cornerstone of one of the main European motorway networks. Based in Assago, Milano Serravalle - Milano Tangenziali Spa is the concessionary of the A7 motorway from Milan to Serravalle Scrivia and the three Milan ring roads until 2028.Milano-Serravalle has two main priorities: to make ""its"" motorways even more efficient and safe and to contribute, along with others working in the sector, to redesigning a metropolitan and regional road infrastructure that has become inadeguate."

Company details

del Bosco Renewed 4 / a Palazzo U9 - 20090 Assago ( Milan )

Participation in projects

Projects Transactions
List of the updates in which the company was involved

Company updates

  • February 26, 2016

    Banks emerge for Pedemontana Lombarda highway concession

    The project financing amounts to €2.6 billion (US$2.86 billion) and will be used to construct the road. The same team along with Intesa Sanpaolo has provided a €200 million&...

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