Compatriot Capital

Company description

Compatriot Capital directs the real estate investment strategy for Sammons Enterprises, Inc., a diversified global holding company. Compatriot’s strategy is to acquire meaningful ownership positions with shared governance in companies with stable, tenured, and talented management teams and a vision for long-term success. Compatriot invests in best-in-class companies generally focused on a single real estate sector (e.g. hospitality, multifamily, real estate services, etc. In connection with these investments, Compatriot will consider providing co-investment capital for asset and balance sheet growth.

Other companies in UK (United Kingdom)

Kingseat, Newmachar, Aberdeenshire

Company details

Dallas, TX
5949 Sherry Lane, Suite 1880 Dallas, Texas 75225

Participation in projects

Projects Transactions
List of the updates in which the company was involved

Company updates

  • September 16, 2015

    Amicus partners with Macquarie and Compatriot Capital to invest in college P3s

    Amicus Investors LLC, Macquarie Capital, and Compatriot Capital Inc. have partnered to form a new private investment company to provide equity capital to educational P3 projects throughout the USA.

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