Access Capital Advisers

Company description

Access Capital Advisers has over 16 years of experience as a leader in infrastructure investing.  They have been investing in infrastructure on behalf of clients since 1997, with a focus on building and managing quality portfolios that deliver superior long term risk adjusted returns.

Manage more than $2.7 billion in infrastructure and other alternative assets on behalf of our clients.  As of one of the world's largest infrastructure managers, Acces currently manage direct investments for our clients in over 25 global infrastructure assets.

Since inception, the global portfolio of infrastructure assets have significantly outperformed domestic and global equities. The core infrastructure portfolio has produced average annualised returns to their investors of over 14% across both equity and debt investments.



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Company details

Level 6, 17 Moorgate

Participation in projects

Projects Transactions
List of the updates in which the company was involved

Company updates

  • April 22, 2014

    Challenger and Access Capital Advisers merge infrastructure investment businesses

    Challenger Limited and Access Capital Advisers (ACA) will merge their infrastructure investment operations from 1 July 2014 to create a new boutique infrastructure business called Whitehelm Capital.

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  • September 30, 2013

    QIC acquires bankrupt CLEM7 tunnel in Brisbane

    Brisbane's Clem7 tunnel has been sold to Queensland Motorways for A$618 million - a fraction of the $3 billion it cost to build. RiverCity Motorway, the previous owner of the tunnel, was placed in rec...

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  • September 20, 2013

    Access Capital Advisers appoints new Chairman

    Access Capital Advisers announced on Sept. 28th that Janet Torney would become Chairman of its Board of Directors from the end of this month.

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  • September 09, 2013

    MTAA Super sells Mildura hospital PPP project to Victoria state

    Access Capital Advisers and MTAA super have announced that the Motor Trades Association of Australia Superannuation Fund (MTAA Super) has successfully sold its interest in Mildura Base Hospital to the...

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  • May 13, 2013

    Access Capital Advisers announced the appointment of three Non-Executive Directors

    Following the announced Management Buyout by Graham Matthews and Tom Snow, Access Capital Advisers has announced the appointment of a new board comprising Non-Executive Chairman David Chessell, as wel...

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